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Friday, June 26, 2015

The Legend of the Dandelion

Long, long ago, the flowers had a huge argument about which of them was the most beautiful, the most special, the most loved by the humans and by the fairies. The argument lasted for weeks, with each flower claiming to be the most beautiful and the most loved. Finally, all of the flowers agreed to let the Flower Fairies decide.

The Flower Fairies sent they're gentlest and kindest of spirit fairy to settle the problem and to give one plant her blessing and the title of the "most perfect" flower. The little Fairy decided to test each flower by asking them one question.

The first flower the Fairy talked to was the Rose.
"Where would you most like to live?" she asked it.
"I would like to climb the castle wall." said the Rose. "And then kings and queens and nobles would pass by everyday and exclaim over my beauty, my scent and my delicate nature."
The Flower Fairy walked sadly away from the Rose.

Next the Fairy came to a tulip, standing tall and proud. "Where would you most like to live?" she asked the Tulip.
"Oh, I want to live in a public garden" said the Tulip. "Where everyday people would come and admire my wonderful colors and see how straight and tall I stand." Once again, the Fairy walked a way feeling sad.

She walked until she came to a forest. There she found some Violets. She asked them "Where would you most like to live, little Violets?" "Oh" said the violets quietly "We like it here hidden in the woods where no one can see us and where the trees keep the sun from dulling our beautiful color." The fairy thanked the Violets and walked on looking for more flowers to talk to.

She talked to the Tiger Lily who was much too wild and fierce.
She talked to the Sunflower who barely answered her because all she wanted to do was be warmed by the sun.
The little Flower Fairy talked to the Orchids who only wanted to be taken out to dances and she tried to talk to the Narcissus but it was too busy looking at it's reflection in the water to speak to her.

The little Fairy, with tears in her eyes, was ready to give up and go home when she came to a field with bright fluffy yellow flowers on long thin stalks. The leaves were long and jagged and very close to the ground. But the flowers....oh how happy and cheerful they looked in the field!

"Little one" said the Flower Fairy "What are you called and where would you like to live?"

"I am a dandelion" said the little flower."I'd like to live where ever there are children. I want to live beside the road, and in the meadows, and push up between the sidewalks in the cities, and make everyone feel happier when they see my bright colors." The Dandelion chattered on happily saying "I want to be the first flower that the children pick in the spring and take to their mothers. And I could tell if a child likes butter by being rubbed under their chins, and if a child makes a wish and blows my seeds, I could carry that wish on the wind."

The Flower Fairy smiled brightly and said "Little Dandelion, you are the most perfect and special flower of all and you shall have your wish! You will blossom everywhere from spring till fall, and be known as the children's flower."

And this is why the dandelion comes so early and pushes her head up everywhere with such strength and determination. And why she is so loved by children throughout her long life.


Monday, June 08, 2015

My Thought About AKB48 41st Single Sousenkyo

AKB48 41st Single Sousenkyo kemarin sukses membuatku shock dibanding tahun-tahun sebelumnnya. Banyak kejutan tak terduga. Cukup pilu dan sedih tapi ada senengnya juga.

And here they are, my short thought about this year sousenkyo final result:

Suda Akari
Ini yang paling berhasil membuatku shock, Akarin kelempar dari senbatsu. Bayangkan dari #10 menjadi #18, lebih shock dari ngelihat Milky tahun lalu yang sama-sama kelempar dari senbatsu. Gimana ya... beda kasus sebenernya. Milky turun karena skandal jadi okelah, tapi Akarin? Dia cukup berusaha keras menurutku, tapi peringkatnya turun. Pilu banget ngelihat Akarin pidato, kasihan banget sampe nangis kenceng. Votenya kurang banyak, pada kemana larinya Akarin oshi? Aku tau dia pasti kecewa banget. Aku nggak nyangka banget.

Tani Marika
Tani tembus undergirls, sipp! Itu cukup memuaskan menurutku. Untuk ukuran mendapatkan peringkat pertama kali di sousenkyo, walaupun nggak sehebat Aya yang langsung #17 UG center, tapi dapat rank dari non-rank dan tembus undergirls itu cukup hebat. Salut buat Tani dan Tani oshi, nggak percuma di push. Inilah contoh member push cukup berhasil baik oleh manajemen maupun para fans. Popularitasnya semakin menanjak semenjak dipindah ke SKE48.

Matsumura Kaori
Aku sangat yakin dia bakal masuk senbatsu dan itu benar! Cukup senang setelah sekian lama menjadi kenkyusei, eh sekalinya masuk team langsung tembus senbatsu. Yes dia memang populer bahkan di kenkyusei sih, dan aku cukup senang dia masuk senbatsu. AND THIS IS HER FIRST TIME INCLUDED IN AKB48 A-SIDE SINGLE! Pertama kali masuk senbatsu AKB48. Seharusnya dia tetep di kenkyusei tuh, jadi dia satusatunya kenkyusei yang pernah masuk senbatsu AKB48, terlebih kenkyusei dari SKE48 lagi.

Takayanagi Akane
Churi masuk senbatsu, naik peringkatnya jauh banget dari undergirls tahun lalu! Mungkin karena faktor Airin juga kali ya, karena Airin lulus jadi fans nya pada ngevote Churi semua. Glad she's finally back to AKB48's senbatsu.

Kitahara Rie
Guess who's back? Yes, its Kitahara Rie! Setelah dilupakan akhirnya masuk senbatsu lagi. Mungkin ini berkat dia dipinah ke NGT48 juga, jadi fans di Niigata mau ngepush dia.

Shibata Aya & Watanabe Miyuki
Aku juga udah yakin kedua orang ini bakal masuk senbatsu. Aya can maintain her rank from last year sounsekyo and Milky back to senbatsu. Well, tentu saja Milky balik senbatsu karena pasti dapet push lagi.

Minegishi Minami
Miichan nggak tembus senbatsu. Sedih. BANGET. Cukup kecewa bahwa harapannya masuk senbatsu di sounsekyo kali ini nggak membuahkan hasil baik. Yah, apa mau dikata lagi. Down banget pasti.

Nishino Miki
Dari ketujuh Tentoumu Chu cuma Miki yang nggak masuk peringkat, dia pasti kecewa banget. Bahkan Nagisa & Uha berhasil dapet peringkat.

Moriyasu Madoka
Tahun lalu masuk undergirls, tapi tahun ini tampaknya Madoka harus cukup puas menduduki Next Girls. Dia turun banget peringkatnya, jadi dikalahin sama Meru. Sigh~

Shimazaki Haruka
Seneng banget ngelihat Paruru turun, keluar dari KAMI7, dan dikalahin sama Sakura. Perasaan ini, gimana ya... pokoknya seneng banget! Dia sampe nangis waktu pidato. Sepertinya fans tau dimana limit sifat "salty" seorang idol. Paruru mungkin sudah kelewatan jadi banyak fans nggak begitu meliriknya lagi. Dia harus koreksi diri. OR NOT! Nggak apapa deh Paruru bersikap begitu terus, bahkan harus lebih buruk, biar peringkatnya turun terus! #nooffense

Miyawaki Sakura
Sakura finally bloomed once again at Fukuoka! Hore Sakura masuk KAMI7! Seneng banget Sakura bisa naik banget, bahkan votenya naik 2x lipat dari sebelumnya. Kalo tahun depan votenya naik 2x lipat lagi, nasib Sayanee & Jurina terancam. All hail Sakura!

Takahashi Minami
Our great leader & suokantoku harus puas di peringkat 4. Walaupun keinginan untuk mendapatkan peringkat 1 di tahun terakhirnya di AKB48 ini nggak bisa tercapai, tapi peringkat 4 adalah peringkat tertinggi yang pernah dicapainya. Bahkan votenya terbanyak! Takamina oshi, good job!

Overall, salut buat SKE48. SKE48 punya fans yang solid. DAN KAYA. Banyak SKE48 member yang masuk peringkat, bahkan lebih banyak dari AKB48 sendiri.

And especially salut buat HKT48. I got the hype when I saw HKT48 members cheering each other. HKT48 was so consistently happy over all the HKT48 girls ranking, lots of screaming, jumping, etc. And here's some screenshots.


Saturday, June 06, 2015

AKB48 41st Single Sousenkyo

AKB48 41st Single Sousenkyo Final Result
"Juni Yoso Fukano, Oare no Ichiya"

AKB48 41st single will be released at 26 August 2015.

#80 HKT48 Motomura Aoi
#79 NMB48 Ichikawa Miori
#78 AKB48 Shinozaki Ayana
#77 SKE48 Ishida Anna
#76 SKE48 Takeuchi Mai
#75 AKB48 Owada Nana
#74 NMB48 Tanigawa Airi
#73 SKE48 Kumazaki Haruka
#72 HKT48 Ueki Nao
#71 AKB48 Ishida Haruka
#70 SKE48 Kamata Natsuki
#69 AKB48 Nagao Mariya
#68 SKE48 Umemoto Madoka
#67 AKB48 Oomori Miyu
#66 SKE48/AKB48 Kitagawa Ryoha
#65 SKE48 Saito Makiko

#64 NMB48 Yoshida Akari
#63 SKE48 Yamauchi Suzuran
#62 SKE48 Kato Rumi
#61 SKE48 Azuma Rion
#60 NMB48 Yabushita Shu
#59 NMB48 Kato Yuka
#58 NMB48/AKB48 Shibuya Nagisa
#57 AKB48 Mogi Shinobu
#56 NMB48 Umeda Ayaka
#55 SKE48 Souda Serina
#54 NMB48 Kotani Riho
#53 SKE48 Isohara Kyouka
#52 SKE48 Goto Risako
#51 HKT48 Matsuoka Natsumi
#50 AKB48 Sasaki Yukari
#49 SKE48 Sato Sumire

#48 SKE48 Kimoto Kanon
#47 AKB48 Tano Yuka
#46 HKT48 Kojina Yui
#45 SKE48 Miyamae Ami
#44 AKB48 Mukaichi Mion
#43 HKT48 Moriyasu Madoka
#42 HKT48 Okada Kanna
#41 HKT48 Ota Aika
#40 NNB48 Yagura Fuuko
#39 AKB48 Uchiyama Natsuki
#38 SKE48 Futamura Haruka
#37 HKT48 Sakaguchi Riko
#36 NMB48 Jonishi Kei
#35 NMB48 Fujie Reina
#34 NMB48 Shiroma Miru
#33 HKT48 Anai Chihiro

#32 HKT48 Tashima Meru
#31 HKT48 Fuchigami Mai
#30 AKB48 Takajo Aki
#29 AKB48 Okada Nana
#28 AKB48 Kato Rena
#27 SKE48 Oba Mina
#26 AKB48 Kojima Mako
#25 AKB48 Takahashi Juri
#24 SKE48 Furuhata Nao
#23 SKE48 Tani Marika
#22 AKB48 Kizaki Yuria
#21 HKT48/AKB48 Tomonaga Mio
#20 SKE48 Oya Masana
#19 AKB48 Minegishi Minami
#18 SKE48 Suda Akari
#17 HKT48/AKB48 Kodama Haruka

#16 AKB48 Muto Tomu
#15 SKE48 Shibata Aya
#14 SKE48 Takayanagi Akane
#13 SKE48 Matsumura Kaori
#12 NMB48 Watanabe Miyuki
#11 NGT48 Kitahara Rie
#10 AKB48 Yokoyama Yui
#9 AKB48 Shimazaki Haruka
#8 SNH48/SKE48 Miyazawa Sae
#7 HKT48/AKB48 Miyawaki Sakura
#6 NMB48/AKB48 Yamamoto Sayaka
#5 SKE48/AKB48 Matsui Jurina
#4 AKB48 Takahashi Minami
#3 AKB48 Watanabe Mayu
#2 AKB48/NGT48 Kashiwagi Yuki
#1 HKT48 Sashihara Rino

#AKB4841stSingleSousenkyo #41stSingleSousenkyo #AKB487thGeneralElection #AKB4841stSingleGeneralElection #7thGeneralElection #41stSingleGeneralElection #GeneralElection #AKB48Group #Sousenkyo #AKB48 #SKE48 #NMB48 #HKT48 #NGT48 #JKT48 #SNH48

Monday, June 01, 2015

Jules O'Dwyer & Matisse, The Winner of Britain's Got Talent 2015

Our (its my, actually) favorite talent show, Britain's Got Talent 2015 comes to its end.

And the winner is Jules O'Dwyer & Matisse!

This dos trick act win the public vote at Sunday night, May 31st 2015.
Sure (most) Britain people love dog.

But really, Matisse (and Chase and Skippy) were really talented.
I love how Jules wrap the whole trick and act into a good adorable story.
I'm not complaining that this act would actually win the show, succeeding the dog trick act 2012 winner Ashley and Pudsey.

My favorites this year (in random order) were:
- Calum Scott
- Lisa Sampson
- Ruby Red Performers
- Billy and Emily England
- Jules O'Dwyer and Matisse
- Boyband

Well, this 9th series sure is great!